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BVC, JAL and ANA Establish Alliance

27 July, 2009

Barthe Cortes, Tokyo, Japan

On July 26, head of BVC (Kenya) Group Barthe Cortes executed in Tokyo, Japan a contract with JAL and ANA Airways concerning partnership in air cargo transport The three airlines intend to establish an alliance reaching 140 countries and 640 airports. Each of the airlines will remain an autonomous, independent legal entity with a separate logo

The contract envisages further development of their airlink network worldwide and involves a codeshare agreement.

"The contract is extremely beneficial for all parties involved, and also for their shareholders. The partnership will allow the airlines to cut costs and to attract new customers, making up for the record increase in oil prices. In the result, the airlines will be able to focus on investing in the fleet and in new technological solutions," says JAL spokesman H. Inoue

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