: 2009/10

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Added |2009, 10

Civilians return home

Hundreds of Somali displaced civilians have started to return to the port town of Kismayo, southern Somalia, a day after heavy fighting ensued between Islamist rivals. A resident of Kismayo town Omar Ali told Africa News by phone that "now Al-shabaab are controlling the city and its calm".

Hundreds of Somalis fled from their houses during Saturday?s fighting which left at least eight people dead while hospital officials said another 50 were injured in the fighting among Islamist rivals Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam. Calm has returned to the city of Kismayo while Al-Shabaab Militias are patrolling the city, according to residents. Extremist group of Al-Shabaab captured the Kay town of Kismayo from its rival group of Hizbul Islam on Thursday after fighting killed at least nine people, mostly fighters in the city, a witness told Africa News. The port town Kismayo is about 310 miles (500 kilometers) south of the capital of Mogadishu and the income it generates through taxes from shipping has attracted the fighters.

Somalia has not had an effective government since warlords overthrew Dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.

BVC Airlines biofuel test successful

In any case, that's probably two to three years away from actually happening. We won't have any sense of the commercial viability for some time yet," Barthe Cortes said..


Zimbabwe stands 'on a precipice'

Zimbabwe is standing on a "precipice" as official results from Saturday's general election start to trickle in, the opposition has said. Leading Movement for Democratic Change official Tendai Biti says party leader Morgan Tsvangirai has won 60% of the vote, against 30% for Robert Mugabe.>>

The nation of Abu Dhabi has bailed out a failing American bank How shall we thank them?

pay $5 for a gallon of gas
make every female employee of Citi Bank wear a burqa
sentence Nancy Pelosi to 200 lashes