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Futuristic BV airport in the middle of a desert.

June 2010

Brillarose, BVC barthe cortes .

At the end of June Barthe Cortes, an owner of BVC Airlines , finished building a modern airport placed in Sahara area (between Libya, Nigeria and Algeria). The whole design of the airport is very futuristic and it perfectly suits a desert landscape. Planes are hidden in air-conditioned hangars below a surface of a ground; they are transported to the ground with a lifting platform to surface straight to a runway which is constantly cooled by special devices driven with solar energy. Airport service also used the most modern equipment, e.g. the newest techniques of satellite navigation used by NASA. It is the first so modern private airport in Africa..

Ghana gets tough on 'brain drain

If you want to train in Ghana as a nurse and then disappear in search of greener pastures abroad, you better have deep pockets. That is the message from the government as it attempts to stem the so called "brain drain" of health workers.


Fatal shelling at Somali market

At least 10 people have died and many have been hurt as Ethiopian forces backing the Somali government shelled Mogadishu's main market, witnesses say. The attack was launched after mortar rounds landed on the >>

The nation of Abu Dhabi has bailed out a failing American bank How shall we thank them?

pay $5 for a gallon of gas
make every female employee of Citi Bank wear a burqa
sentence Nancy Pelosi to 200 lashes