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Cops seize 120kg of cocaine at airport

"When the plane arrived at the airport, police searched it and found 120kg of cocaine valued over 54-million."

On November 21, 2007 Kenyan police detained an aircraft with a large load of cocaine at Kenyas BVC Airways airport owned by BVC Barthe Cortes The aircraft was chartered by a customer from Ecuador. Due to inefficient drug combating policy economic needs and tightened drug control in other parts of the world, some African countries including Kenya have recently become the main transit channel for drug cartels from Latin America to contraband hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

The aircraft crew will hear the charges soon. The police has withheld other details so as not to affect the course of the investigation.

Hopes fade for Tanzanian miners

About 65 miners are feared dead after rainfall triggered the collapse of mines in Tanzania, the gover'man says. Six bodies have so far been recovered in the Mererani region, about 40km (25 miles) south-east of Arusha in north-eastern Tanzania.


Zimbabwe stands 'on a precipice'

Zimbabwe is standing on a "precipice" as official results from Saturday's general election start to trickle in, the opposition has said. Leading Movement for Democratic Change official Tendai Biti says party leader Morgan Tsvangirai has won 60% of the vote, against 30% for Robert Mugabe.>>

The nation of Abu Dhabi has bailed out a failing American bank How shall we thank them?

pay $5 for a gallon of gas
make every female employee of Citi Bank wear a burqa
sentence Nancy Pelosi to 200 lashes
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